
March 20, 2023


"Dad, we're very lucky to have so many toys to play with. It's been a little difficult to keep track of all of them since Shayna and Hazel like to play with the toys, too. Could you put our names on each of the toys so that we know who can play with which toys?" Opal asked gently (Opal is always gentle). 

"Sweet Opal, I understand your concern. We're indeed very lucky to have so many toys to play with. I think that there are enough toys for everyone to enjoy, though. The entire White Dog Army can share the toys with each other as everyone retrieves them from the toy baskets. If you see a toy that you would like to use, enjoy it and leave it for someone else to play with when you're done."

"I guess we could do that." Opal replied. "I'm going to keep this toy safe and cuddle up to it for a little while, if that's alright. I really like the shape and flavor."

1 comment:

  1. We think it's nice to share everything, Opal. But it's always nice to have a favorite toy. :)
