
February 6, 2023

Petunia, the office dog

"Gee, dad, what's up with you coming home from work smelling like ANOTHER dog?" asked Zsofia. "First, you bring home Deb's three admitedly charming dogs to live with us for a while - should we expect another visitor?" "Dear Zsofia, you smell Petunia. No, not the flower. One of my coworkers brings Petunia to work with her and we fondly refer to the sweet girl as OD. She's our office dog. Sometimes, she stops by my desk and asks to be petted while she hopes for a treat (which she usually receives). I'll often ask her to perform a trick or two. She sits, shakes, goes down to the floor, and even rolls over! She's quite a talented girl." Zsofia looked at me with eyes that expressed a little concern and stated flatly, "You don't expect us to perform for our treats, right?" "Zsofia, I'm lucky to get the White Dog Army to quiet down before I serve meals, so don't worry about having to learn tricks."



  1. Petunia sounds like a great dog, but we are glad Dad isn't going to make YOU do tricks for your treats, sweet WDA pals. XO
