
June 2, 2023


The White Dog Army has decided that I'm not getting enough fresh air and vitamin D. "You spend too much time cooped up in the office staring at the computer," Lilly told him this morning. "We have decided that we'll all take you outside for twenty minutes every day. You can sit in a chair in the sunlight, take a nap, walk around the yard, toss the ball for us. The point is to be outside," Zsofia continued. "You will see it will make a big difference in your mental health to just change your routine," Roman finished. "It does for me."

The Army gathered in the office to nudge me toward the door about 5:30 this evening. "Treats when we return," Bailey called over her shoulder. Diva ran past and through the dog door to catch up with the others. 

I was heading for the chair on the paved area but Opal called me to the back of the yard. "Dad, come see these pretty little purple flowers!" 

I heard her and hustled over to where she stood. "Horse nettles," I said darkly. "These must go right away. Let me get my gloves and the weed burner. Every pup stay away from these and any others you find." Opal looked at Zso sadly. "What did I do wrong?" she asked her sister. "This is not what we had planned."

"Horse nettle stings and are poisonous. Years ago I scorched the yard to get rid of it because Ferguson almost died from eating it. It's nearly impossible to kill them since it grows all over the neighborhood and spreads through its roots." Zso turned to all of the others who had gathered. "This is serious stuff, if you find any, let me know ASAP. I'll be out here every day on the hunt. Opal, you are a hero for finding this."

1 comment:

  1. Not the most relaxing way to spend your time out, but definitely important. Glad the dogs are all safe because of you. ♥
