
August 27, 2008

White Dog and I entertained Brenna and Camryn while Jesse went to her appointment. Although both behaved well, their energy levels are tiring. White Dog still gets nervous around the toddler (although he has gotten better at being gentle) but she is a trouper and stayed with the group despite her fears. White Dog thinks Camryn needs major work when it comes to learning table manners--he is so messy that she won't even take advantage of the bonanza he leaves everywhere! White Dog says by the time she was two that you could take her to the best parties and the finest restaurants and that she knew how to dine politely...she wonders why human children are so slow. After Jesse picked up her children White Dog licked me in gratitude for us not having kids and then crawled under the chair to nap.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Siku!

I guess you're not used to having kids around the house,huh? My Mom had her niece and her baby cousins in the house almost everyday, and they can be quite rough with you too! But they are so cute, and if you're gentle with them, later they'll know how to play gentle with you too! Hope that helps next time you have baby visitors to your house! *wink*


Hana said...

I hear babies are good if they drop food accidentally... and then later when they drop it on purpose... oh, that is heaven!