
January 14, 2009

White Dog was right at my side when Steve, freshly through the door from work, commanded that I close my eyes and hold out my hand. I opened my eyes at the soft weight of something being place in my hand...followed by the hot breath of a certain Eskie trying to covertly remove my surprise. Steve's make-up attempt was about to become White Dog's new stuffed toy! "No! This is mine," I demanded but I let her sniff the white roses that were in my lap. She whined. She pawed my knee. She gave me her very best "Pleeeese" sit...and when I still would not give her the little dog, she dramatically collapsed, sighed, and pouted. Steve played "Bait" with White Dog and was forgiven. Even now she covetously eyes the stuffy which is on the table next to the roses.

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