
July 20, 2010

White Dog could tell from the steely look in my eyes that this post was an important one. She nodded to Quinn and they both sat back and let me unleash my sword of justice. "You go,momma" White Dog whispered.

There is no more despicable creature in the Universe than an animal abuser...and one who trains dogs to fight and kill each other as wagering entertainment...well, I can think of no punishment extreme enough for that crime. But after seeing pictures of Shelby and reading her story. I know now that the lowest of the scum is the "human" who takes a weaker, more vulnerable dog and uses it as "bait" to instill bloodlust and "killer instincts" in fighting dogs. It is "people" like that who make me ashamed of my species.
Shelby had the good fortune to be found by Mona and the Mommy; people who make me proud of the potential of our species. These women are Angels who counterbalanced the horrors this pup had been subjected to by taking Shelby home, nursing her, getting her veterinary care, and just loving her. The physical damage done is great and so are the expenses. If possible, could you visit their blog, Mona and the Mommy, too! and read Shelby's amazing story, and make a small donation to help toward Shelby's long term medical issues.

Mack and his sisters are holding a Comment-A-Thon through Wednesday and are donating $1 for every comment left ($2 if you can figure out the answer to the mystery question). They are wonderful generous souls who are counting on the Power of the Paw to come through. They are so right to put faith in our incredible community because we care and rise up to protect each other. This won't strain the budget (because we know many are hurting these days) but it will help Shelby. Please at least leave some words of support, encouragement, and healing. Thanks.

P.S. Quinn's skin tumor pathology came back as "all clear!" It was simply a fatty skin growth.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Shelby has some pawesome angels in Houston!

From Mack and his sisFURS,
Mona and her mommy,
and Sandra and The Pibbles!

So many angels!

AND WOO HOO on the Quinn results!

We are smiling here!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Teddy Bear said...

Shelby is in such good hands now. It's crazy how people can be so cruel. We're so glad Quinn is A-OK.:)

Teddy Bear

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What happened to Shelby and so many others like her is truly despicable. But she is one lucky pup to have come to the right home for help. We have pawed our comment already.

Great news on the results.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Rebecca said...

Glad Quinn is good to go - we will head to the blog. Animal abuse is so very horrible. Abusing those who can not protect themselves... makes me angry.
Rebecca & Daisy Mae

Remington said...

Great news for Quinn! As far as animal abusers, don't get me started! Animal and child abusers are the WORST in my book!

Mack said...

Thank you SO MUCH for the shout out and stopping by my bloggy to help poor Shelby!
We just knew when us DWB'ers get together, good things happen!

Mack said...

PS: GREAT news about Quinn!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I have only seen this today because of being away but went across from Khyra's to comment and see how to help. There are some evil humans in this world and I am so glad that there are such good people as we have in our blogging community.. I see Quinn has been having some problems and am glad it is all ok.. Hugs GJ x

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor sweetie, we gave some and I told my 9000 twitter pals too!

Sagira said...

Wonderful news about Quinn.

I couldn't agree more about the bait and dog fighting. Just sick. :(

Amy & the house of cats said...

Thanks for letting us know in the comments about the commentathon for Shelby - we are already totally in love with that dear sweet girl so of course we will head over and comment!!

Jacqueline said...

Our Mommy totally agrees with you guys=those people who abuse animals are evil, there is no goodness in them whatsoever...We will donate to Shelby's fund...So happy to hear Quinn's test came back good...kisses sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kari in Alaska said...

animal abusers disgust me