
July 26, 2010

White Dog shook her head sadly as I petted Quinn's big wet head, "Really, mom, I think we should seriously think of getting this lumpy boy some professional help!" She always tends toward to melodramatic (as if I need to tell you regular readers that) and her latest diagnosis is based on two incidents over the past days.

Yesterday when the White Ones were opening Daisy Mae's Paw It Forward gift, we discovered that The Other White Dog is not model material. He gets very nervous when he realizes the camera lens is pointed at him and acts as though he might be injured by its invisible rays. The flash sent him running from the room. He refused to return until quite some time had passed and he made certain that the weapon was no where in sight. White Dog just laughed at his silliness. "This isn't rocket science, Quinn," she taunted. "You come. You sit and pose. You get treats. It is a no-brainer for food, buddy." "Stop talking to your brother in that tone," I parented as I calmed TOWD. "You have grown up being photographed so be a little understanding!"

Last night and throughout today we have experienced much needed rain which has broken the heat but made for more wetness than we are used to. White Dog enjoys the gentle drizzle from inside but the idea of going out and getting even her feet wet makes her shudder. She will delay necessary breaks until she cannot hold it any longer then dashes from the dog door down the steps of the deck and as soon as she touches ground she lets go; then it is a swift scramble back inside. We discovered Quinn last night standing on the deck head turned toward the clouds soaking up the rain. He came in when asked (and shook the entire living room damp) but really wanted to just enjoy the rainfall. Several times today he has done the same thing and comes scampering back in re-energized and happy as a lark. From this White Dog has concluded he is loopy.

I am continually amazed at how different the personalities of these two are and it is a constant reminder that each of us marches to the beat of our own internal music. Now, if I could only convince White Dog to embrace Quinn's quirks and accept him for his marvelous uniqueness...

P.S. If can, please go by help poor Harlan. This is what our C-A-T friend, Brain has to say...Poor Harlan got out and was hit by a car. Although his basic vet care bills have been taken care of, Harlan will have to have his right front leg amputated. That’s going to be a bit expensive and since he is a friend, I’m trying to do what I can to help. Harlan will be able to get along fine on 3 legs and his family loves him very, very much.

You can read about Harlan and if you or your woofie friends can, kick in a $1 or $2…as we all know, every little bit help. My ChipIn Page for Harlan can be found HERE. Please purr and woof for Harlan’s healing. Thanks


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom so khonkhurs!

She's known or had eight of us -

We all have our own khwirks!

Paws khrossed fur Harlan -


Mack said...

I have to confess...sometimes when it rains I do my business inside...and boy does that make mom mad!!


Jacqueline said...

We love your description of Quinn's "marvelous uniqueness"=that's a lovely way to describe all our differences!...We are purring loudly for Harlan's recovery...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Teddy Bear said...

We are all so very different. I say it's because we like to keep our pawrents on their toes.:) We are keeping our paws crossed for Harlan.:)

Teddy Bear

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, each has his or her own ways. Here we have two that LOVE the rain - TD and Ciara - and one who would rather not get wet. That same one - Phantom - does not like the camera at all.Just the sound if it turning n makes him retreat to his crate:(

We saw your PIF post - how nice of Rebecca and Daisy. We would have done it with you but we just accepted another PIF from the lovely Bassett girls Martha and Bailey.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Amy & the house of cats said...

Quinn, I have to say I would be out there with you - it is fun to be out in the rain! So well, I guess I am just sill too because it sounds like you had a great time to me! I can understand the though behind not getting wet too though, because I am sure the cats would be on White Dog's side for that one!

As far as the camera that is a bit of an odd reaction - but then again we don't know what his life was like before - maybe he was hounded by the paparazzi and just hated it and thought that was done now. Some of the cats are much more tolerant of the camera than the others, so again, I understand both sides!

Remington said...

To each our own....

Brian's Home Blog said...

Different purrsonalities yep, but that is why they are so special! Thanks for mentioning Harlan, that was very nice!!!

Sagira said...

We have 4 pups here and all have their own personalities...mom says mine is the funniest though, I am always making her giggle.

Very sorry to hear about Harlan and sending good thoughts that way.

Kari in Alaska said...

Its ok. Big Carl is enough of a ham to make up for Quinn :)