This will be The Other White Dog's first trip (not counting his travels which brought him to live in Albuquerque). He does not yet have his own personal luggage. In fact, other that the basics of food and treats, he seems unclear on why he would need anything else. I have loaned him a tote bag that Casper's mom sent us a while back just so he does not feel left out and we have folded up his sleeping blanket to take along but I suspect that The mighty Quinn is the kind of guy who travels light...unlike his diva sister!
Bags and boxes of foodstuffs and the cooler are stacked by the door and both White Dogs swarm around us in expectation. Michael has even remembered his toothbrush as well as the other essentials. There is a mounting excitement even from Richard who stopped by earlier to drop off a quart of humus he had made that needed to go in the cooler. I am not sure anyone will sleep soundly and I bet the early alarm will not be met with the usual groans and "snooze replays!"
The Wild calls...Let's get on the road already!
Are woo there YET?
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
How exciting!!! We can't wait to see pictures and hear all the stories from your trip. We hope you have a safe and pawesome trip.:)
Teddy Bear
I am laughing only because the dog's stuff always seems to take as much space as the human's on any trip.
I think that you should take all the toys, don't risk not having the right one when you need it!
I love the lazer eyes.. Have a brilliant trip, take lots of pictures and come back and tell all about it.. HUgs GJ xx
hope you have fun and a great get away!
Have fun!
I'm with Quinn - I like to travel light too!
I hope you guys have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Oh my gosh! Can you maybe fit a hansel cat in da extra spaces in yoor bags? Me finks dat dis wud be purrfeck trips fur da hansel cat....
Girls always have the hardest time packing
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com/
We hope that everyone has a great time. Glad that Chef Richard (our Hero) is going along also.
Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday to your Dad on Monday ~~ enjoy the birthday goodies !!!
Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie
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