White Dog and The Other White Dog were given "homework" assignments as Steve and I headed out the door for the season's final opera, Madame Butterfly. "Sam, has shared this very nice award with you," I told them both, "and the rules say you must list seven things each about yourself that others might know not about you. So get busy!" "I didn't see where it said each," White Dog countered. "EACH!" I repeated, kissed her on the head and then Quinn and we left.
When we returned White Dog was curled in the momma chair, list under her paw, and instantly ready to run to the computer. "Sweetheart, it is 1:30am," Steve moaned. "Let's read it now and we will post tomorrow!" WD sighed and pushed the list in my direction.
Seven Things about me by Siku Marie, The White Dog:
1. I do not like change very much. When Michael first came to live with us I wasn't even sure I liked him and I thought he should stay in his room downstairs. And then The Other White Dog became my brother just a month later...I thought my world would never be the same and that I was going to have to give up some of the love mom and dad give me to him!
2. I am very proud and grateful to be a part of this community. So many big-hearted, caring two- and four-leggeds sharing their lives, triumphs, tribulations, adventures and love. I work very hard to be worthy of my place here. The Power of the Paw is incredible.
3. I love tummy rubs, being brushed and mom holding my foot while I sleep against her side.
4. I love to run off-leash at the Park. I race full-speed, my fur rippling and glinting in the sun. But I am very picky about other dogs and I don't like being sniffed behind!
5. I am a very good teacher and have have the responsibility of being Dragon's "trainer" since he was a pup. And now my current projects include making sure Quinn and Michael know the rules and how we do things in this family.
6. I know 16 tricks but will only perform them if I feel like it and the treat is worthwhile. Mom's favorite trick (that I do sometimes just to make her clap in delight) is "Dying Diva"--I crawl across the floor, "Speak" my final words, and then do "Dead Dog!"
7. I do not like my brother, TOWD, hanging out in "my" bedroom (which also happens to be mom's and dad's). He CANNOT come on the bed under any circumstances!
"Great list," Steve yawned as I finished reading. Quinn had been sitting next to him, waiting and holding his list. "Your turn," I said. White Dog jumped in, "He had a hard time with some of these so I helped him with ideas...and I checked his spelling!" "That's was very nice of you, now let's hear from your brother!"
The Mighty Quinn's List of Stuff About Me
1. I have lived with my forever family for 6 months now. I feel safe and trust them. For the first time in a very very long time (maybe for the first time ever) I am learning to take time to enjoy my food, to be playful, to know I am loved.
2. I am so happy and amazed how quickly you all opened your arms and accepted me. I have never had wonderful friends who cared about my interests and thoughts before. Thanks.
3. I do not like being brushed or having my feet touched. I get up and walk away and then avoid the person trying to groom me. The exception is the Groomer because White Dog tells me it is important to be on our best behavior when we are in public.
4. I never run at the Park but love to walk a a steady exploring pace to I can stop often and notice things. I like all of the other dogs and enjoy when people stop to pet me.
5. My sister, White Dog, has taught me how to properly bark at the mailman. AND she gave me the job of sniffing the mail when it is dropped through the slot to make sure it is safe.
6. I sleep in Steve's closet in the Office with the door open.
7. I do not like most dog treats except for Jerky and Fish treats. My favorite food is chicken but I am not picky.
We would like to share this award with these great blogs who we feel you will enjoy getting to know better:
all the gang at My Life with Dogs;
TK and Squashies because we want to get to know you better;
and last but certainly not least, NinaGirl, Fergie and Jake's human who led us across country this summer and is now starting college!
Guess what? We think we really like TOWD! He sort of says it like it is ... even if it's not what everybody might want to read or think! (Thanks, Siku Marie, for helping him paw out his thoughts. You are a great big sister.
We love reading these things about you ... and we hope hope HOPE our NinaGirl makes the time to do a blog post in appreciation of her honor. We just hope she doesn't say anything too embarrassing about us (blush).
By the way! Fergi got a HUGE honor in the mail yesterday! A certificate acknowledging a Special Gift from you two White Dogs ... in honor of her Gotcha Day! A donation to Second Acts in her name! Wow! Nothing could have pleased her more! You KNOW how passionate she is about rescue and adoption and giving other doggies like her a second chance. Thank you so much. From Fergi. From all of us.
You are the BEST. We hope you know we think that!
Jake (and Family)
thanks guys! we will do it on thursday!!!
Congratulations on your award; we loved reading about you guys...Thank you so much for sharing this award with us, we are very proud and honored to be your friends...Mommy just bought a new house and we are moving next month; she has scheduled posts ahead and wanted you to know we will try to post our award in the coming weeks when things slow down a little=she hasn't moved in 22 years and it's overwhelming, especially by herself!...Happy week, sweet friends...We love you...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Congrats on the nice award and I enjoyed reading more about you!
Those are some furry furry pawesome stuffs woo shared!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Congrats on your award! :)
Hi Everyone - thank you for the award. We'll have fun posting stuff about ourselves.
Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie
Thanks for the award. Im still in shocked we've reached an "all the gang" level at our house :)
Siku and Quinn, we always enjoy getting to know you better.:) Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to us.:) We love you guys!:)
Teddy Bear
Oh congratulations on your reward. I can see why someone would want to give it to you!
We love your answers, and they definitely helped us to get to know you better.
We are slowly reading through your blog- mommy likes to start at the beginning with new friends, and read all the way through. So we can all get to know you. You sure have been blogging for a long time!
Thank you for thinking of us for this reward!
Love Squashies (and TK and Mommy)
Aw! Thanks guys! I will try to get it up in the next few Days. I have to say that Daisy always wants to help me get the mail, and she is always very proud of herself as we walk back home. Getting the mail does bring a lot of joy!
That is a VERY cool award! Congrats Siku & Quinn...and thanks very much for nominating us! I will try my darndest best to get Mom to type our list out very soon!
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