
August 5, 2010

White Dog and Quinn both gathered around Michael and tried to console him but he was mad and just wanted to be alone and angry. The White Dogs did not understand why needing to wear glasses was such a big deal (since Steve and I and most of our friends are optically challenged) and they were hurt by his rejection. White Dog came and sat on my shoulder and The Other White Dog nervously went outside as Michael stomped around and then finally went to his room.

I tried to explain to White Dog that his special friend had a problem with change, especially when it directly affected his self-esteem. She, and her brother who had just come in from hiding outside, could not comprehend how a couple of lens and a frame could make such a difference. "I didn't get all crazy mad when I had to start wearing a collar and ID tags," White Dog said. "No, but Quinn got so upset at the thought of wearing a harness that he bit me, remember?" I countered, quickly adding, "No offense, Big Boy, I know there were LOTS of extenuating circumstances!"

"I think he is being too sensitive," White Dog insisted. "Maybe he is," TOWD responded, "but I think I understand. He is just afraid that when he LOOKS different he will BECOME different and he already feels out of place in lots of situations." I looked at The Other White Dog with pride and shook my head in agreement. "You are so wise and insightful."

It will take time for Michael to adjust to the change. He picks up his new specs next week right before the beginning of school. I fear I will have to keep pressing the issue of wearing the glasses but we all agreed that we would try to be sensitive and understanding.


Jacqueline said...

Maybe once he realizes how much better he can see things, Michael will enjoy wearing the glasses=we hope so!...Wishing him luck as he gets ready to start another school year; the first days are always hard to get used to things again...Siku and Quinn are sweet, beautiful friends!...Sending love and big hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Teddy Bear said...

I bet Michael will be handsome in his new glasses.:) Our Daddy wears glasses and we think he looks great.:)

Teddy Bear

Casper said...

Tell him glasses can be cool. It will make everything clearer. The better to see you and Quinn with.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom nevFUR wore them until she was 15 - and when she got them she realised she was supposed to see things from the bakhk of the room -

She just figured she was too far away -

She nevFUR minded them bekhause she enjoyed SEEING -
She shifted to khontakhts and loved them as well -
And then bakhk to glasses -

She had LASIK in Dec 05 and it was the best thing fur her -

She does need some of these simple readers fur small stuff but she doesn't mind that either -

Michael will soon marvel at what he'd been missing!

PeeEssWoo: But do try not to snart up his lenses TOO much!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just know y'all will come up with a way to help Michael adjust, get the thinking caps on!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We understand Michael not wanting to wear the glasses, but let him know that there are a lot of guys out there who are way more handsome with glasses - and I know I am not the only girl who thinks that way, so he may actually be in for a big surprise when he gets them! If he can find a cool pair, it will help a lot in getting him to wear them - and maybe the improvement in vision will be enough to make him want to wear them (I remember my mom talking about the first time she put on glasses - even though they were huge and ugly, she could finally really see and she just loved them!)

Cappy the Eskie said...

Hi Everyone ~~ we’re betting that Michael is one of those people (like my Dad) who actually look BETTER in glasses. Mom just got bifocals and she’s thrilled – now she can actually see the fast food menus as well as read fine print.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It seems like glasses are a bit of a fashion statement these days, but we agree with everyone else - he will be amazed at how much better everything looks once he starts to wear them. Mom always hated her glasses but there are some things you just have to endure.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kari in Alaska said...

I hoping that being able to see clearer will make the change easier