White Dog learned from her cat friend, Brian, that September 19 - 25 is Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week to focus attention on adoptable pets with special needs and issues. The sad reality is that senior dogs and cats are often left unconsidered by families seeking to adopt simply because of their age. Others with ailments or medication needs or behavioral weaknesses are rejected because of their additional "bother" and medical costs.
White Dog...our entire family, in fact...gets irate when pets who have given their lives loyally and lovingly are betrayed and abandoned by those they most trust when they get old or ill...as if those giving four-legged members of the family are simply broken toys to be tossed aside.
Unscrupulous shelters shave years off a dog's age in an effort to home more dogs but this is neither fair to the adopting family nor to the pet. When we rescued Quinn, Animal Control had him listed as 1-1/2 years old. Our vet estimates his real age at between 6 and 8. Would his real number of years have been a "deal breaker" or caused us to return him? No, but for many it is. There is a poor Eskie in Florida who is being fostered for the second time...Angel was returned because the new forever family didn't realize how hard it would be to have a deaf dog and didn't want the hassle...so sorry, Angel!
The saddest thing is a pet who for 12 or more years was loved and pampered and who now huddles, scared and uncomprehending, in a kennel waiting out the end of its days, alone.
White Dog and The Other White Dog ask only that you share this plight with others and encourage those adopting a new pet to consider Wisdom before Youth and Depth of Heart before Puppy Cuteness. Thanks.
Thank you, White Dog and Family, for this post. Everyone in my family is grateful that we realized the importance of what you wrote about a few weeks before I came along. We honestly believe no Family could be happier than we ... with me, a ten year old girl with a few .... ummmm .... sensitivities, now a forever member in a Family that has ALL learned about the joys of senior and special-needs adoption. Moma says she'll always remember how wonderful this has been, and it will influence her decisions from here on out.
That's good. For all of us.
Pee esS. Jake LOVES his kitty pillow. Moma got some video, and will blog about it early next week. You are all very special. And we all thank you.
Khwite the pawesome message -
Mom knows from her transports that seniors have a special khwality about them -
PeeEssWoo: It is soon time to hit the road!
A very special post. We so agre about the age thing. It matters not and older pets can give so much love. here is a program going out on our local tv this week that is showing a rescue centre that is showing just such a thing, they have interviewed several people on the tv who have taken older dogs and cats and who love them so. An elerly lady has taken a senior yorkie with problems but loves him so much, she said she could not have walked a young dog and that they can get older together. So true.A locsl vet is helping with very redced rates for anyone taking these lovely pets. Hugs GJ xx
How true, how true, how sad too. I sure hope someone rescues that sweet Angel. That was a great post, you should share it on the blog hop today so more could read it. Have a great weekend and thanks for participating. This project is raising money for 2 very important groups (Blind Cat Rescue and The Grey Muzzle Organization) and we've got some awesome sponsors.
I meant to tell you, if you haven't already, post you link here:
Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Challenge
It is worth at least $15 in donations right now. Thanks.
Thank you for telling us about this. We see it all the time - once loved pet are abandoned because they are no longer cute. It's really sad but were glad there are organizations/causes that promote adopting older dogs. We hope Angel will get the family that will love her for who she is-deafness and all.
Maxie and Irene
Such an awesome message. BC was dumped because of his broken back leg.
Hi Siku,
We found you from the blog hop! My mom loved your post about the less adoptable dogs. She volunteers at a shelter and hears about dogs dropped off all the time because they are old or just too much to take care of! Today she actually had a blind pit bull at an adopt a thon. I have posted it on my blog. Stop by sometime!
Very nice message :) We enjoyed your words.
thank for writing this post. It is so sad to hear that other doggies do not have forever homes. Thanks for commenting on my blog. You are so adorable!
Paws and Licks
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