White Dog nearly fell off her perch in her excitement. "They're here! They're here! Where is everybody? Open the door!" The Other White Dog was woofing a greeting before he even left my side at the computer to rush to the door.
Luke, Murphy, and Hudson were here! At our very house! And they were going to be our guests for the night! This was monumental; it was an honor; they were the most famous trio that ever crossed our threshold!
For those who aren't familiar with their story, It began with a promise to raise awareness of canine cancer one mile, one city, and one person at time. Luke Robinson with his two Great Pyrenees dogs walked 2000 miles from Austin to Boston to fulfill the promise he made to his dog Malcolm who died from this horrible disease. Visit www.2dogs2000miles.org for more information about their walk.
2 Million Dogs was formed on the belief that if 2 dogs can walk 2000 miles to bring awareness to cancer surely 2 million dogs can walk 2 miles. Their mission benefits the study of canine cancer and comparative oncology. On Sunday November 7th, across the country in 12 cities, pups and their humans will walk to raise awareness, mobilize support, and generate funds to fight Cancer in the first ever 2MillionDog Puppy Up! Walk.
Luke, Murphy, and Hudson were here! At our very house! And they were going to be our guests for the night! This was monumental; it was an honor; they were the most famous trio that ever crossed our threshold!
For those who aren't familiar with their story, It began with a promise to raise awareness of canine cancer one mile, one city, and one person at time. Luke Robinson with his two Great Pyrenees dogs walked 2000 miles from Austin to Boston to fulfill the promise he made to his dog Malcolm who died from this horrible disease. Visit www.2dogs2000miles.org for more information about their walk.
2 Million Dogs was formed on the belief that if 2 dogs can walk 2000 miles to bring awareness to cancer surely 2 million dogs can walk 2 miles. Their mission benefits the study of canine cancer and comparative oncology. On Sunday November 7th, across the country in 12 cities, pups and their humans will walk to raise awareness, mobilize support, and generate funds to fight Cancer in the first ever 2MillionDog Puppy Up! Walk.
Most of you know that White Dog and Quinn will be marching in Fort Collins, Colorado. There are others across the blogworld also walking and supporting this cause. We ask that you lend you support by helping those on the trail meet their fundraising goals. Through the generous help of many, we have met our goal so White Dog would like you to visit her friend, Sagira, and make a contribution to offer encouragement as she and her family walk in Ohio.
Luke and "the boys" are traveling from coast-to-coast promoting the event. We received a phone call over the weekend asking if we would "let them crash" at our place as they journeyed west to San Diego. "Let them"? Really? We would be honored! So tonight they are nestled all cozy in our Studio after a delicious Thai feast. Hudson and Quinn are best buddies. Both of the boys loved White Dog who climbed up on my chair so she could "talk" face to face with the Big Ones. Poor Murphy, who tires easily because of his on-going cancer treatment, was happy just to stretch across our living room and take in the smells and conversation.
Luke shared incredible stories of their adventure and painted a wonderful picture of just how giving most in our country can be. TOWD was ready to sign himself and Steve up for a trek (Steve looked less convinced), but WD was happier with the prospect of driving cross country and staying in four-star hotels (not flimsy tents with lightning flashing all around and splitting the tree right next to where you slept).
Since they must be on the road pre-dawn, we called it an early night, but not before White Dog and her brother joined Hudson and Murphy on the deck to look to the stars and wish for a Cure soon. Cancer.Touches.Everyone. Please help find the Cure.
Wow! What an amazing opportunity! WE feel honored to know your family, who was honored with Luke and his pups presence. It makes us feel proud to be able to support your efforts ... we just wish we could march with you, too.
Looking forward to OUR chance to meet.
With love and so much appreciation,
Jake and Fergi and Family
Wow, how pawesome that you were able to spend time with Luke, Murphy, and Hudson.:) What a special evening.
Teddy Bear
How wonderful!
Hi- I thought Thanks for the comments on Abbey. If you go to her website and leave a comment I am sure Abbey's mom would be honored - to have you bring a picture of Abbey.
Thanks for thinking of her.
Ben and the fellas
Wow...this gave me chills. I follow Luke on Facebook and told him to be sure to give Siku and Quinn a big hug from Sagira...hopefully he did..but maybe didn't get a chance to read before he arrived.
You guys are so nice to let the boys stay with you during their travels. Can you imagine all the sights, smells and sounds they have experienced with all the walking they have been doing?
THANK YOU so much for sending people our way for donations as well. I can't get over how well you did with your fundraising, way to go you blew your goal right on out of the water. The day of the walk is getting closer and closer. Can't wait it should be a lot of fun. :)
That is pawesome, awesome, and inkhredible!
Thanks fur sharing!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
It was really fun to.
How awesome for all of you!!! We have already given our support to Sagira and another blogger for the cause, but we are with you in spirit. Please give our best wishes to Luke and his beautiful pups for the rest of his march.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Thanks for the great blog on Luke and The Boys. What a beautiful dog Siku Marie is. I have posted a link to your blog from ours and added you to our blogroll. I am sure our readers will enjoy reading about White Dog's continuing adventures! It's a great blog. Have fun in Fort Collins.
hey Siku Marie and Quinn,
What an amazing story! That is so incredibly pawsome of you and your family to let Luke and his beautiful big doggies stay with you! I bet his stories were pawsome! I am glad his big dogs did not scare you two.
You two and your humans rock!
p.s. My human has been reading stories that it is the chips put into pets that cause a lot of cancers.
oh wow such a great event! How did we miss that you guys are walking? We would love to help sponsor you since you so generously sponsored us!
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