She spent the day with the Vet for observation today. Dr. Julia sensed that Puff was reacting well to the treatment and, thanks to the antibiotic and steroid, feeling slightly better. Now it is a waiting game. Puff must go back for interim bloodwork in two weeks and if all is OK, she will get the rest of the heartworm treatment in about a month. Then she will be on a preventative to make sure all of the eggs and larvae have been destroyed. We ask that you continue to keep Puff in your thoughts as she is far from out of the woods yet and all of your combined efforts are making a difference.
A smile bringer regarding Puff (and we could all use one!): This morning before Steve took Puff to the Vet, WD, TOWD and AWD were all snoozing off their breakfasts. Little Miss Puff came quietly, stealthily creeping into the living room. She looked around to make sure that she was not being watched. SAWD inched over to where WD's Chimp stuffie lay on the floor, halfway under the couch. She took a quick sniff, then batted chimp, then snatched him up in her jaws and RAN outside. When Steve peeked out she was in the middle of the yard deconstructing the stuffy! White Dog will possibly be upset when she discovers the disemboweled toy, but we silently cheered! Puff was playing...sort of!! It seemed like a small step somehow.
Finally, White Dog, and all of the pups in The White Dog Army want to recognize Casper D Dog's mom for the incredibly cool license plate frame she made for Pumpkin. Now the whole world will know who we are every where we go! Bigify the photo above to see how clever her design is. We are thrilled and thankful.
The license plate is pawesome!
AND so are the great visuals from your day!
We'll keep ALL The WD's in our thoughts!
With a warm smile we thank you. We can picture Little Miss Puff making her snatch and run ... and hope there was some pleasure in the process for her. When Fergi was first with us, she tenderly held a small red soft ball in her mouth, and paced and paced and paced with it. We thought she was playing ... but now we are pretty sure it was a maternal sort of thing for her. She has never done it since. Still, though, she learns to play in her own way, just as Puff will. That makes us so happy.
Keep sharing the stories, dear friends. They make our heart glow.
With paws crossed for continued good progress, physically and emotionally,
Jake and Fergi and OurPeople
The image of Puff destructing her snatch is heartwarming.
We are definitely keeping Puff in our prayers, keeping our paws crossed for her. Defeat those heartworms Puff!
We are thinking of Miss Puff and sending all good Sibe vibes her way. PS - nice plate!
Stuffy destroying is a VERY good sign! We are cheering hard for Puff - And that license plate ROCKS!
Go Puff Go!!! That really does make you smile. That license plate holder is so cool and so very purrfect!
That small sign just made our day. I so hope that Puff enjoyed her little snatch. I will keep all my thoughts trained on that vet trip and hope all goes well. That licence plate is just fabulous.. Now eveyone will know that the White dogs are travelling. Soon I hopeall four of them.. Hugs GJ xx
that plate cover is AWESOME!
You license plate is so cool! Puff will remain in our thoughts and prayers....
Oh mom got happy tears picturing Puff playing! We think that is a very good sign! We are still sending her tons of purrs and prayers to get healthy so she can fully enjoy her wonderful new home!
We love the license for Pumpkin!:) And we're very glad to hear that Puff's treatment is going well and that she's starting to play with stuffies.:)
Teddy Bear
I am so sorry to hear Puff's heart worms are worse than you thought, but have faith that brave sweetheart will pull through because she has a wonderful, supportive family to help her; she was brought into your lives so you could help her survive this and learn the real meaning of love and family...We are purring and praying for your precious baby; blessings to all you, always wishing you guys the very best...Kisses to all you beautiful babies and big hugs to your exquisite parents...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
The license plate is so nice and so appropriate:) We will keep our paws crossed for Puff - we know how very difficult heartworm disease can be to fight. We smiled at the stuffie episode, but we wonder if she wasn't just celebrating her return to her wonderful home. Those trips to the vet can be worrisome to a scared little one.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Love the story of Puff playing. Sorry to hear about the heartworms, but glad the treatmenst seem to be working. We are continuing to purr and pray for her (and you)!
Oh, and that license plate cover is the coolest! :)
Wow Siku. It goes so well with Pumkin and her yellow lettered license. So glad it all worked out great.
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