
January 11, 2011

White Dog followed me into the bedroom and hopped up on the bed. Together we surveyed the toy box and I explained that things were getting more than a little out of hand. Today we were going to sort through the toys. WD looked at me quizzically. The Other White Dog walked past us to use the dog door. I stopped him and explained that today we were culling the toys: choosing items to be cleaned and donated to Water Melon Mountain Rescue, those that were loved beyond saving (like very old bones and chews), and those that we would keep in the toy box. TOWD, not a toy player, shrugged and continued on his way outside. Nuka came into the room and got comfortable in the sun puddle near us. Puff watched from the doorway.

"So," I said, holding up aardvark, "keep?" White Dog took the stuffie from my hand and put it on the bed. Chimp got no response so I put him on the donate pile and reached for the next choice. As I held up Green Snake, Puff grabbed Chimp off the pile of one donate-able and ran with it outside. She came back in without it in time to take no fins or tail or snout Fish which was to go to toy heaven and rescue him to her stash outside. White Dog voted by taking her top 100 favorites and piling them on the bed where she then laid on them. She and SAWD alternated grabbing the toy under consideration. Nuka, who also does not play with toys, wanted to be part of the fun so AWD climbed in the toy box and laid on top of the remaining toys barking excitedly and refusing to yield any of her "eggs."

At the end of a half hour there were exactly three toys on the donate pile: a tuggy rope (which I had my foot on), The rubber chicken (whose cluck when grabbed scared all of the helpers), and one of those treat-filled cubes that you roll to release a "prize" (it was empty of treats). The discard pile looked like a gruesome graveyard scene with its pile of old partially chewed bones, rawhide pieces and a part of a moo ear. Even Quinn got involved at this point as he came in from his position of watching on the deck to happily nosh on the ancient ear.

"Thank you, White Ones, but you are NOT helping," I pointed out. Perhaps this task would be best accomplished alone, when Steve had all the pups out for a walk. Until then, I surrendered any notion of finishing this task, and gave myself over to playing with the pups. Later, Steve went into the bedroom and asked, "How come the toys are all out of the box?" And the White Dogs snickered in unison.


Teddy Bear said...

Wow, look at all your toys...so clean and so in tact. We know that other pups will love some of your toys. We think hand me downs are the best!

Teddy Bear

Mack said...

Mom tries to clean our toy box from time to time. I sure do miss my toys she gave away!

I can just see Puff running off with her fave toy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yes, it is so hard to part with toys that brought so much joy!

Remington said...

You keep your toys so nice. I, however, would probably have all of mine ripped apart....

Random Felines said...

We say hide the toys!!! Mom doesn't try to do this too often, but she has been known to hide toys and then have them mysteriously reappear later....like we aren't gonna figure out that trick!

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Wow!! Your toys are piled up together so neatly! Mine... would be scattered all over the room!!

Happy New Year and nice to meet you

Autumn & Jasmine

meowmeowmans said...

Love this entry, Sue. :)

It's so difficult choosing what stays and what goes, isn't it?

Sagira said...

Wow...that is one overflowing toy box for sure. :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Just like the human kids - tough to part with even the oldest or most broken of toys.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pepsi Bum said...

BOL, that's a lot of toys, guys! I love the part of Puff running away with the toy, hehe. I can just see it in my head!


Kari in Alaska said...

100 toys? That sure is a lot
