
March 6, 2012

White Dog nestled against me when I finally had calmed myself enough to sleep. "It was only a nightmare, momma. Everything is OK," she whispered and pressed closer. I shuddered and sank into the security of her warmth. Steve wrapped his arm around me.

I had awakened with a start, disoriented, certain that Quinn was in grave danger. My sense was so real that I never considered it was a dream. I thought I had gone into the Office where TOWD sleeps and that he was dying. My eyes welled up and I convinced myself that I ought to check once more before waking Steve. So this time, awake, I ventured into the other room. I could not get to Quinn as Nuka and Puff were sleeping next to and around him so I sat at my desk and turned my chair to watch my gentle boy. In the near darkness I could not see the rise and fall of his side and he did not stir. I waited and strained to see but now tears were falling steadily. I was filled with loss.

After a very long time I returned to the bedroom and sat heavily on the bed. White Dog nudged Steve like she used to do when I was so very sick and he instantly sat up. "What's wrong?" "I think Quinn..." "What?" "Just go check on him, please!" Steve returned in a minute and said, "Quinn is fine, he is dreaming and his legs are twitching like he is running. Every one is good."

I have not had a nightmare as realistic or as scary since dog knows when and Steve's news washed me with such relief that I sobbed. I know one day Quinn's time will come and I pray that it be a quiet passing in his sleep...but I also hope deep in my soul that is a long long time from now.

By this morning all of the White Dog Army had migrated to sleep surrounding the bed and doorway. They were, in a way, guarding me from the dream demons, for I am sure they all sensed my middle-of-the-night horror. Quinn certainly looked at me questioningly when I greeted him with extra fervor, a huge hug...and his own pre-breakfast strip of duck jerky.


Dachshund Nola said...

You poor thing! Thank dog you have your sweet babies safe
Dachshund Nola

Agnes B. Bullock said...

I hate those kind of dreams! The night terrors that they invoke leave me drained for days! Keeping you in my prayers!

PeeEss- the quilt top is done! I should have it in the mail by Friday (am working on tomorrow, BUT life gets in the way!)

The Daily Pip said...

Sometimes dreams seem more real (and scary) than real life. I am so glad Quinn is OK! I have also had very vivid dreams the last few nights, not sure what is going on ...

Random Felines said...

yikes....how very scary - we are glad all are ok!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dreams can feel so real sometimes. I've had that happen to me too. But sometimes the dreams can be comforting like the dreams I have of some of my babies at the Bridge when they come to me in a dream just to say hello.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yes, that is very scary, hugs to you from all of us.

Remington said...

Those dreams can seem SO real....I only like that when they are fun dreams.... I am sorry you got scared but and happy everything is fine....

Jacqueline said...

So sorry you had to endure such a scary dream, Sue, especially one that seemed so real...Happy day, precious friends...big hugs, sweet Sue and kisses to all your lovely babies...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Dreams can seem so real can't they. Glad you had all the Army and Steve to comfort you. Enjoy your day with the ones you love. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sometimes dreams are just too real. So sorry for all the stress that dream caused you. Hope tonight brings more restful sleep.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning