Wonderful World Wednesday
White Dog and The Other
White Ones love the human ability to take something that is useless or wasteful
and creatively find a way to make it into something good. Recycling to provide extended
or new life and to lessen the garbage load on Mother Earth is vital if we are
to keep our world green and healthy and wonderful. The White Dog Army applauds every effort made
to Reuse, Recycle, or Renew.
There is a waste product that we pups produce in impressive amounts and seems to have no positive afterlife; finally clever humans have found ways to use our contribution to make the world more beautiful. Making flowers bloom and trees grow? Yes, my friends, pup poop is a mountain of miracle grow! Imagine if EVERY park harnessed our “gift;” our neighborhoods would be filled with beautiful green islands in which to romp and play. Check this out:
Who Knew? Upcycling the Dog Poo
By JOANNA M. FOSTER April 11, 2012 The New York Times
It’s been almost three years since a grand experiment began in
Ithaca, N.Y., and the results are finally in. Yet there’s not much to show for
it — and that’s what everyone was hoping for.
In September 2009, Allan H. Treman Marine State
Park in Ithaca generated a lot of buzz by introducing a pioneering waste
composting project in its dog park at the urging of a Cornell University
professor and other dog owners.
Nationally, some 78 million dogs produce over 10.6 million tons of
dung annually. It poses public health risks if left on the streets, is harmful
to the environment when left on the side of trails and takes centuries to
decompose in plastic garbage bags that end up in landfills.
In the park’s experiment, corn-based compostable bags were placed
in dispensers in the dog park. People who visited with their pets were urged to
use the bags to retrieve their dogs’ waste and to place them in receptacles,
Cayuga Compost, a local company, picked up the waste weekly for processing and
At its composting site in nearby Trumansburg, Cayuga dumped the
waste into a pile mixed with a bit of yard and wood waste. In 18 months, the
company composted about 12 tons of dog waste from the park that would otherwise
have outlived all of the dogs and their owners.
The end result was just two truckloads of compost. “It’s about a
93 percent consolidation,” said Mark Whiting, program manager at Cayuga
What is more, lab tests have shown that the compost is
pathogen-free — a big concern, given its origins — and has a high-nutrient
profile that is perfect for flowers, shrubs and trees, Mr. Whiting said. He
called it a great example of upcycling, or taking something that is otherwise
considered garbage and turning it into a product with higher value.
The resulting will be returned to the park to help fertilize new
trees planted on Earth Day, April 22.
The park poo project, which costs about $5,000 annually, was
financed through donations. Of that, $1,000 goes to Cayuga Compost, and the
rest covers the price of 50,000 compostable bags needed to stock the dispensers
in the park each year.
Ithaca is not alone in its quest to divert dog waste from
landfills. Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto all have similar programs. In the
United States, a company in Aurora, Colo., called EnviroWagg, collects dog
waste from parks, shelters and businesses and sells the finished product locally.
Dog waste has also made its way to the big screen, thanks to the
Australian filmmaker James Boldiston, who traveled the world — even stopping in
Ithaca — for his lighthearted 2011 documentary “Dog Poo: The Truth at Last.”
Oh my, what will they think of next!?!?
Ha - the Momster says we could easily make that poo pile a whole lot bigger in no time at all:)
Great project.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Great project!
Dachshund Nola
I am not surprised they came up with this in Ithaca! That city has always been ahead of the times!
Your pal, Pip
Very cool! I'm amazed that the compost was pathogen free. Hmmm, maybe we should start some composting of our dogs' poo!
Interesting! I came across a guy on Youtube that had a system for turning doggie doo into compost that was made personal use. It was interesting.
So glad somebody is thinking out there! :)
Now THAT'S recycling!!
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
That is great. A beautiful way to use poo.
Wow that is quite amazing!
Just think how that can help the earth!
Interesting! There is a dog park somewhere in the NE, that uses dog poo to power the lights in the park! Clever people :D
Wyatt and Stanzie
Wowza, who would have thunk it! We always knew our poop could be useful for something. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing, my friend!
We've actually been using dung as compost because of the nutrients found in dog poo. It actually started from using cow poo and other animal poo, then there was dog poo.
Did you know that some scientist have harnessed gasoline from poo? It's truly amazing what the human mind can create with the help of a little imagination and ingenuity.
I've dug a little compost pit here in my home as well. All the dog poo are placed into that hole.
Huggies and Cheese,
We have LOTS of poo they can have. haha.
Thank you guys SOOOO much for the Weim and Cheese donation. That was SO very nice of you.
White Dog - thanks for turning the spotlight on this subject! Why toss poo in a landfill where it's mummified when you can use it? But it does contain pathogens so do a little research before processing. Woofs!
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