
April 28, 2012

White Dog and the rest of The White Dog Army swarmed Karen when she walked in the house this morning. She laughed that this was the first time she had warranted such a greeting and set her giant tote down to give ear scratches and "hellos"...except the the Army shifted their attentions from her to the bag now leaning on the chair.

"Try not to be too hurt," I said, "but the mercenary WDA believes there is something of value in yon parcel." "Probably not my keys," she teased pulling them out and setting them aside. The White Ones did not even turn their heads to follow her movement. "Not my cell." Ten eyes were still focused on the blue bag. "Not my sketch books." At this, White Dog gave them a sniff. Thank dog for my polite art lover. Karen reached deeply into the bag, the pups surged forward as she pulled out a brown lunch bag that filled the room with the scent of lavender and butter. "I think you have solved the mystery, Sherlock," I kidded her as the WDA sat pretty in a row. "What's in the bag?"

Karen and her husband are amazing cooks so I knew whatever it was we were in for quite a treat. "Honey and lavender scones," she replied, "made with an obscene amount of butter!" YoYoMa wiggled forward in his excitement.

I already had a delicious freshly ground French Roast pot of coffee brewed and we spent the morning catching up, petting pups, and noshing fantastic scones which we shared bites of with the White Dogs. Karen, a fellow insect aficionado displayed some of her wonderfully detailed sketches of beetles, and red velvet ants, damsel flies, preying mantises, and some human portraits, too. We joked about drawing the moths that were flapping against the window. The pups lay contented around us stirring themselves every so often to remind us to feed them.

The morning passed so quickly we were all surprised when Steve returned from work. Fortunately there were still a few crumbs left for him to enjoy while the pups sniffed the festival roses Karen had brought from her garden and wondered if these, too were buttery edible.

We love easy, perfect Saturday mornings that leave us smiling all day. Hope yours was a grand.


Dachshund Nola said...

Sounds like a wonderful time!
Dachshund Nola

Random Felines said...

Yeah!! We don't know what scones are, but they sounds delicious... and it sounds like a great way to spend a morning. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

What a yummy and treat filled day fur sure!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sure hope you got a big share of all those goodies!

haopee said...

Wow, scones... to be honest with you, I haven't tried eating scones before... I bet they tasted delicious... I mean, it's pretty obvious with how WDA has been acting.

Glad you were able to catch up with your friend.

By the way, thank you for sending your support and positive energy down our way. My mom had been confined for 10 days. She had a minor surgery on her left leg. I am now hoping for her successful recovery.

Huggies and Cheese,


The Daily Pip said...

I love scones and my assistant goes crazy for anything with lavender! Sounds like a lovely visit.

Your pal, Pip

Kari in Alaska said...

What a droolworthy day

Stop on by for a visit

Bailey Be Good! said...

What a wonderful Saturday you all had!! My weekend wasn't bad -- got a nice nail trim. Teehee!

Happy Monday! :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)