
January 1, 2013

White Dog looked out of the van window as we all headed to the Park. "Doesn't look any different. Same streets. Same ice cream parlor." She got the others going on this game. "Same drive-thru coffee place." "No change at the high school." "No change at the gas station." "Wait! The Pet Store is closed. That is different."

The White Dog Army was having fun at the human's expense over the "Happy New Year"-ing being done every time the phone rang or we encountered another person. "Really," White Dog opined, "it is another day. You never get excited over June 1st, or the beginning of October. You never heartily sing out Happy New Thursday. You humans and your fixation with calendars and dates and time amaze me!"

"Well be amazed, Dear One, and let us enjoy our rituals and traditions. I don't understand why you nest by circling and digging at the carpet but know it has something to do with ancient programming, you should know that humans are driven by the same ancient pull. Far back in history humans invented reasons to be social and celebrate over the long dark cold winter to fill time and keep hope alive that the warmth of Spring and the longer light of those days would return. We still feel more isolated when it gets dark at 4pm and when bad weather traps us indoors for days on end. Besides, I never hear you complaining about the holiday rituals involving lots of special foods and time together with those we love."

"The things around us haven't changed overnight but let's enjoy the delight of a Baby New Year and the fact that momma will need to seriously stop and think to write 2013, not the old number, every time she writes the date," Steve added. "Now who wants to do some running and playing? The Park is nearly empty and the sun is shining!"


Kari in Alaska said...

Happy New Year and all the best to you and the WDA

Stop on by for a visit

Brian's Home Blog said...

A Baby Year and a romp in the park sounds purrfect!

rottrover said...

We do! We do! Never enough romping and playing!!! Happy New Year, WDA

-Bart and Ruby

Sagira said...

Have a great time at the park!

KB said...

Happy New Year to you too!

I always thought that all the winter holidays served exactly the purpose that you expressed here... they help us get through the long dark cold days.

But, then I realized that's not true in the Southern Hemisphere. I wonder if they pay less attention to these holidays than we do?

I just had to share that thought with you.

The Daily Pip said...

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and joyous 2013!

Your pal, Pip

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am up for playing --- LETS GO!

FiveSibesMom said...

Running and playing is a great way to welcome in the New Year! Happy 2013!