
April 24, 2013

White Dog and The White Dog Army
Wonderful World Wednesday

White Dog and the WDA think it ironic that the World is often most wonderful in the midst of horrific times…natural disasters…evil unleashed…facing catastrophic life changing events. In those times we seem to rise up above our daily routines and do amazing things…heroic things…things that save lives and focus entirely on the needs of others.

Those events that make headlines are not the only moments when every day people—two and four-legged—make such a difference. People who donate organs to help a stranger or animal moms who accept and nurse newborns of another mommy or even another species personally chose to give something incredible of themselves, for example.

One “above and beyond” answer to the call of need during disasters is to donate blood to a blood bank. Humans line up out of the door after catastrophes to make sure the injured have what is need for transfusions, surgeries, therapy.

Animals have the same need at times of crises and thanks to growing awareness more and more communities are setting up pet blood banks. This may ultimately mean the difference between life and death for injured or sick animals. 

No sedatives or anesthesia is required for the donor dog or cat. A unit of blood is drawn from the dog’s neck while he is lying down and comfortable. Donations generally take about 15-30 minutes and the donor is rewarded with treats and lots of love when the donation is complete. Dogs generally donate approximately 450 milliliters (~ 16 oz) and cats can donate approximately 55 milliliters (~ 2 oz) of blood. If you are interested in having your dog become a donor – ask your veterinarian for the animal blood bank nearest you or see the link at the end of this post. 

The WDA has a friend in Ohio who is involved with the American Red Cross. She has just recently begun the process of setting up an animal blood bank in her area as a way of paying forward her thanks the blood that was available for her c monster fighting Warrior during his chemotherapy. It is a wonderful world when people—and animals—can spare 15 minutes a few times a year to save a life, don’t you agree?
Gundum, a five-year-old Labrador lies on a surgical table as veterinarians prepare to collect her blood as part of volunteer activities for canine blood donation in 2010./ Sakchai Lalit/AP
Man's best friend, and a blood donor, too
Dogs are giving regularly at veterinary hospitals.
By Associated_Press April 19 8:01 PM

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Dogs always have been known as loyal companions to humans. These days, they're increasingly helping each other — by giving their blood.

Rising demand is causing places like the University of Wisconsin-Madison's veterinary teaching hospital to seek more dog and cat blood donors. Demand for a high level of veterinary care has grown along with pet owners' willingness to give back to the animal community in special ways.

Six years ago, they had three donors. Now they have about 22 dogs and cats who give blood regularly.

Dr. Jonathan Bach, who oversees the hospital's blood bank, says demand has grown along with pet owners' willingness to give a high level of care to their animals. The donors are sometimes former patients themselves. But most often, they're companions to students or staff members.

Animals most often need the blood because of anemia, although the hospital does get animals who have suffered injuries or accidental poisonings.

To find out more about Blood Banks in the United States and their locations follow this link:  http://www.petplace.com/dogs/animal-blood-banks-in-the-united-states/page1.aspx


♥ Sallie said...


That is awesome about the blood donors! So important!

And Congratulations! You won our book giveaway this past week! Just shoot us an e-mail with your e-mail address and I will forward to the author who donated the prize.

romancepuppy (at) yahoo (dot) com :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

A brilliant post and how brilliant are the blood donors.. Hugs GJ x