
April 28, 2013

White Dog and The White Dog Army put their anger at being excluded aside to straighten Steve's "Fight Like A Bitch to End Breast Cancer" t-shirt that features our now next door neighbor, Daisy Mae. They made sure Michael's water bottle was full and gave us all licks and nuzzles of "good lucks" and "do us prouds." Steve had a secret stash of verboten information fliers in his cargo pants and our cell phones were loaded with conversation starting photos of the White Ones. We headed out...

...and landed in a sea of people gathered by the hundreds at 7:30 in the morning to make strides against breast cancer. Survivors, entire families of supporters, and people of every age and walk of life were there; it was awesome. We heard the Event raised $300,000; just one walk just one town just one morning; imagine the impact of these Walks being held all over the country. Gives us hope.

We hurried home after the 5 miles to share with the WDA our perceptions and stories of the Walk. The bright perfect morning and our description of walking along the Bosque (along the same bike path that Steve rides on his Sunday morning outings with Gregg and Candace) made our usual walking companions sad that they had not been allowed to share in the experience. But they were happy to hear that the turnout was huge and that cancer research will benefit.

Gregg and Candace came over for brunch but they left Dragon and Sen-ge at home. Both pups spent the morning helping their dad who is building a wall in the yard and both were now being tormented by allergies, were tired, and were crabby. They were left home to nap and enjoy some special treats.

As we talked and caught up on the week, the WDA, sated with bites of gyros, chicken shwarma, humus on pita, falafel, and sticky honey rich baklava, decided to hold a belated sit-in to protest the lack of respect shown by the Walk planners. I am pretty certain that their bold protest will not bring the media attention needed to change the rules, but Candace sure was swayed as she tried to navigate to the bathroom.

Viva le Revolution!


TimberLove said...

good job mates!

RA & family

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Good job my friends!

24 Paws of Love said...

It makes me sad that the little ones couldn't go, but happy that a sizable amount of money was raised. The fight is still on, you'll just have to think of it from a different perspective. :)

And since we are talking about the WDA, we know it can be done!!

Jacqueline said...

A great cause and a precious photo=wonderful post!...Hope you all enjoy a lovely Tuesday, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sagira said...

Great job, love all the sleeping pups. :)