
June 12, 2013

White Dog and The White Dog Army
Wonderful World Wednesday

White Dog’s favorite movie is “Pay It Forward,”  an inspirational story whose premise is when Trevor McKinney begins seventh grade his social studies teacher gives the class an assignment to devise and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better. Trevor's plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds. He calls his plan "Pay It Forward", which means the recipient of a favor does a favor for three others rather than paying the favor back. We have often use this idea ourselves and within our network of people we know.

The result of Paying It Forward is a wave of good deeds and positive actions that are  instrumental in creating a wonderful world one action at a time. Imagine the WDA’s delight and wonder when they read this real life story of a business employing Pay It Forward with its customers. Please share our Wednesday moment of highlighting a young businessman with a personal commitment to make a difference…

Portland gym is free if you 'pay it forward' by KGW staff
KING5.com Posted on June 5, 2013 at 7:13 PM
PORTLAND – Beast Fit Nation in Portland offers free workouts, the only catch is you have to “pay it forward.”
“(It’s) the world’s first free gym. Everything is free you don’t have to pay me a dollar,” said Sergio Jones, founder of Beast Fit Nation. “All you have to do is promise me you’ll do three random acts of kindness after you leave. You will help out somebody else.”

Those who work out at Beast Fit Nation love the idea and motivate each other in their grueling workouts. Not only are members motivated to get in shape and work on their bodies, they are part of Beast Fit Nation to work on their lives.

“After coming here, I do as many random acts of kindness as possible throughout the day,” said Brandon Stevens, a student at Portland State University.

“You will help your neighbor, pay for the person behind you, call up a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, tell them you miss them,” Jones said. “Do something else for somebody else.”

Beast Fit Nation, which is located at Southwest 16th Avenue and Southwest Jefferson Street, is about more than just fitness. Members see the gym as a whole movement to help out others.

Many of the members are students at Lincoln High School, which is right next door to the gym.

“Now I’m looking for people that need help around me,” said Lincoln High School student Joe Angyus. “Do they need to open the door? Do they have coffee in their hands? Do they need an extra 20 cents to pay their bill in front of them?”

Instead of charging its members, Beast Fit Nation goes to other businesses in the community and asks for sponsorship.

The gym is a big hit with its members, with many people seeing great results from the grueling workouts. But it’s everyone else in the Portland community that gets to benefit from the workouts.

If you want to learn more about Beast Fit Nation got to its web page here.

KGW photojournalist Cory Long produced this story.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

It's a Win-Win for All!


Brian's Home Blog said...

That is such a great one and I love paying it forward!