
September 3, 2014

White Dog went to the dog door and barked so I wasn't concerned. I had asked her to find Puff who was missing at bedtime walk time. Often our Little Old Lady cannot wait until her turn and goes out into the yard before her walk with Bella on the leash.

But when she had not come back in after Steve finished ALL of the White Dog Army walks, I got a bit concerned; especially when Steve whistled at the door and was not answered by our girl quickly trotting up the ramp.  When you have a pup who is the equivalent age of an 87 year old human, you worry easily.

Steve grabbed his flashlight and headed out into the yard along with his posse of White Ones. EVERYONE wanted a paw in making sure she was safe and back inside before we turned out the lights. Hiding places have been greatly limited since we baby-proofed the yard for Zsofia last weekend so finding her did not take TOO long.

Someone had left the door unzipped on our little screened gazebo at the back of the yard. Puff had somehow managed to wander in (she is not much of an adventurer but there she was). In the dim light and shadows the screening was hard for her elderly eyes to discern. She could not find the door again to push her way out.

Puff was amazingly calm and when discovered was busily trying to dig her way out under the bottom edge of the tent. She WAS, however, grateful when the search expedition found and freed her. She did not even mind being carried inside and placed in my arms.

I stroked her and told her how worried I had been; she looked at me as if I should have had more faith in her. The White Dogs all sniffed to make sure she was not harmed and then wandered off to their sleep spots. Puff turned and asked if I was all alright; I kissed the top of her head...and she jumped down to settle in for the night.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad all is okay but that had to be an immediate worry.

rottrover said...

How safe and secure she feels - knowing the rest of you will come find her if necessary! I wish, as I age, that I was part of a pack!!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, we are so glad that Puff was okay. How scary it must have been when you were not able to locate her!

bbes tribe said...

Glad to hear Puff was fine. We love your group and such caring. Thanks for stopping by to visit.
Barb and the furkids

Random Felines said...

glad she was ok...and found - good to have an army looking after you :)