
September 5, 2014

White Dog, YoYoMa, Puff, Bella, Sachi and Zsofia wish Taiko the Tender Hearted a VERY heart-felt happy First Gotcha Day! We greeted the groggy boy early this morning with hash browns and a cheese omlete, his favorite breakfast...Oh Yes! Another White Dog was surprised by the attention. "It is weird," he said between bites of breakfast, "it seems like it happened just yesterday AND like I have been here forever!"

Tonight we will do a star walk (provided the promised rain holds off) after we have salmon enchiladas and cherry muffins and thank those stars, especially the twinkling one that represents Quinn, for sending our boy to us.

This is Taiko across the last year...
Happy Gotcha Day, Taiko...we simply cannot imagine a White Dog Army without you!
And finally, each of the White Dogs has a theme song; this is Tai's


TimberLove said...

Happy gotcha day my friend!!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Handsome!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Taiko. We love you, buddy!

rottrover said...

You landed in the perfect pack. Happy Gotcha Day, Ty!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy First Gotcha Day sweet Taiko!!!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Gotcha day!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Gotcha Day! We love that song too,

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