
October 2, 2015

White Dog tilted her head. All of the WDA watched in amazement. Steve brought in Ferguson, who had spent the morning at Dr. Julia's office and placed him in my arms. He let me greet him and then struggled to be set down. And when I did...

Our boy went TROTTING across the room! What a difference just a day makes!

Ferguson seems to finally have turned a corner. He is most certainly on the road to recovery. He WALKED all around the yard. Steve brought him in and settled him in the bedroom. Nope! He walked out to the living room and then checked out the kitchen. Walking mostly, not leaning, and getting up and down with ease.

Wanted his regular dinner, he really did but was not quite ready. We pipetted some slurry before he started biting the tip...he lapped it up from the saucer! Same with water! Not a lot, only a couple of tablespoons but still!

Friday Update: At lunch today, Ferguson ate from his bowl and seemed to truly enjoy the mashed potatoes and cauliflower mixed up with chunks of chicken. Steve sat by his side but did not have to assist our boy in his feeding. And tonight there was a bright smile and joy in Fergus' eyes as he gobbled down salmon. Steve had to stop him from his feasting for fear of his overdoing the gusto. But he is eating and drinking!

Things seem to be returning to normal. We think the nettles have become less and less of an issue with Fergus' GI tract and we are convinced that the detoxing has had a positive affect on the return of his mental sharpness and coordination. There have been no further seizures and his fearful demeanor is melting to reveal the smile I so dearly love.

We are still hunting for a name to what made him lose his ability to get around and that took much of his cognitive abilities, and in that maybe also a guarantee that it will never happen again. But we are ready for the weekend; Dr. Julia sent home an emergency kit just in case. And he is scheduled to see her first thing on Monday just to make sure all continues to be well and is progressing toward complete recovery.

THANK YOU for all shoring us up with your prayers and positive thoughts and belief in the power of love.


Random Felines said...

Happy happy!!!

Random Felines said...

Happy happy!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure are happy that sweet Ferguson is doing some better!

TimberLove said...

Happy woooos Ferguson !!

meowmeowmans said...

This makes us so, SO happy. Hooray for Ferguson, and for all of you! :)

JudyMae said...

Thank goodness.