
November 16, 2015

White Dog did not share her sister's enthusiasm and nimbly jumped out of the way as Zsofia went charging for the dog door with the howl "Snnnooooooowwwwww!" echoing through the house. She got a little interest from Ferguson who wanted to go out and see...and from Nilla who came back in sputtering, "It is sleet not snow! It is wet and cold."

In fact this was a day of confusing weather. The temperatures were not cold enough to sustain a real winter blast but Mother Nature was in the mood, anyway. So we had moments of windy blue sky that surrendered to flat greyness that dumped a cold steady rain. The White Dog Army was not happy with this fun stopper; they were bored and not even the Darkest White One wanted to go out in THAT. The sleet that followed made the WDA barking mad as they gathered at the windows to shout their weather dissatisfaction.

The answering hail sent YoYoMa, White Dog, and Benson to huddle at my feet. Sachi and Zso wooed back challenges to the pinging bits of ice while Puff and Nilla slept curled on the heat registers. Bella nervously paced and Ferguson sought the security of Steve's lap.

Then slowly, almost miraculously, the noise stopped and and the chunks of ice became big fluffy flakes. A dance of just a few at first, the snowfall became a serious display. And an opportunity, so Zsofia thought, for winter games. Out she dashed.

She was quite puzzled that the snow was disappearing before it hit the ground, neither the air nor the ground were cold enough for a real snow. I watched her, nose upturned, staring into the sky and BEGGING for a drift to plow through...

and then the snow turned back to rain...and my very wet Dark One came in to shake and lament the season.  "Almost. And Soon." White Dog comforted our Baby. "Soon."


Random Felines said...

poor Zso.... :)

TimberLove said...

Aw dear Zso, we do hope you get at least one good snow this season, all paws crossed,


meowmeowmans said...

Don't worry, Zso. We're pretty sure there's more of that stuff on the way in the coming months...

Jo's World said...

Well dear little Zso, if you don;t get the snow you want , just hop on the bus, about mid-December, and tell the driver you want to go to Minniesnowda. We are not called that for nothing, you know!

Cheers, Stella, Zkhat and their Mum