
March 26, 2016

White Dog growled for Sachi to back off before turning to me to say, "the new kid is a little grumpy in the mornings, eh?" C.A. Stormer, the new kid, was trying to stretch out to grab a few extra zzzzs in the midst of the WDA rising and checking the day, and barking at the neighbors, and demanding breakfast ...he let his dissatisfaction about the lack of silence be known.

"He is NOT the only one grumpy in the morning," I reminded her. "Oh, yeah," she sassed back, "there's you, pre-coffee."

Thank goodness, breakfast tamed everyone's monster. AND Storm has applied for membership in the YoYoMa-founded Coffee Club. With his addition, the White Dog Army has a majority of White Dogs who line up each morning for two long slurps of momma's half cream/half coffee elixir. Steve has kindly begun making a second cup so that momma actually gets to enjoy some as well.  "PLEASE at least lick the cream musthache off your lip," WD begged Storm (she is NOT a member).

 Mailman Song training began right after breakfast. Storm's voice is a wonderful addition to the chorus but his timing needs a little work as his singing continued about 30 seconds beyond the rest of the Army's.

"Wow! The mornings are really busy around here," C.A. noted. "Do we get a break or just go like this all day?" "Don't be silly," Puff told him. "NOW it it time for post breakfast naps."


Random Felines said...

He must still be on California time

meowmeowmans said...

Don't you worry, C.A. You'll learn all that stuff real soon, with the wonderful coaching by your new family. :)