
October 25, 2016

White Dog has been pretty strict on the White Dog Army these past few days as the upset tummy bug has run through our ranks. She watches to make sure all are eating and digesting normally. Earlier she stood on the deck surveying the Army at play...was each pup active and moving around? Who was sluggish? Any White Ones crabbier than usual? Anyone complain of aches and pains?

My Girl s a very observant Queen and strives to make sure all are healthy and happy. She was glad to report that it seems that the sickies that began with YoYoMa last week seem to be down to Benson and Zsofia, both a bit more clingy than normal and overly mellow. Hopefully by tomorrow, we will be sickies free.

Even Yo's bigger issues seem to be improving. We won't know for certain until Friday's blood test whether for sure his numbers are becoming more balanced. But he seems like his energy is better...and a momma just KNOWS these things.

White Dog took off her nurses cap and slid her bag back into the closet. "I think we are OK to set this aside again," she said and let out a contented relieved sigh. "Close enough if needed for now let's just believe that all is on the mend and the power of love can take it from here."

"Love most certainly, Little White Dog of My Heart, but also Dr. Julia's skill and meds...and the Army's fitness. I, too, feel a balance returning."


Random Felines said...

glad it seems to have run its course

KB said...

I'm so glad that things are calming down for you and everyone is getting stronger.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy White Dog Army. Paws crossed here that you all recover from the stomach bug and everyone can relax and rest up. Take care mates.
No worries, and love, Stella