White Dog came in as I sat down after dinner to blog. "You have twenty minutes," she firmly said. "Excuse me?" "Twenty minutes, you have to go to bed early." "And why would that be?" "Tick tock. You are wasting minutes." I took my hands off the keyboard and turned around. "I think you are forgetting who the momma is," I replied sharply.
"You have to go early tomorrow to get your birthday present," she said with a little less bossiness. "I know it is early and that your birthday is not until midweek, but tomorrow is the day." "And what is so urgent that I must go to bed at eight in the evening?"
She sighed and called Steve and the White Dog Army into the room. "Momma is being impossible. She is NOT going to cooperate. We are going to have to tell her now." she told them and looked pointedly at me purposely trying to make me feel guilty.
"You must pick up Anya."
WD continued. "We wanted to give you a million dollars to fund research but we fell far short of that in saving our alowances. Then we read about the senior girl that Angela found wandering along the railroad tracks in that town near here. She is blind and deaf and hardly able to walk. We KNEW she is the kind of girl who needs us and who you would open our lives to. Puff visited dad from the Bridge and told him to bring her home and to choose a name. Anya means full of grace."
Tears were rolling at this point. "She is at the vet's office waiting for you. She can come home very first thing in the morning." Steve added. "I knew you would not want to wait any longer than necessary."
"So you need to go to bed so you can get up early, feed us and be there when the office opens," Bella explained. All tails wagged their excitement. they had succeeded in surprising me...and in choosing a most perfect gift...for BOTH Anya and I.
I love my White Dog Army...expanded version.
Here are Anya's intake photos from Angela...Welcome Home photos tomorrow.
Mom Kim here - oh what a wonderful birthday present and what big hearts you all have! Anya is so lucky and I bet you consider yourself lucky too. She is beautiful and I bet will thrive with you and the WDA.
Welcome to the very best home you will ever have, Anya! We are looking forward to getting to know you.
Happy Gotcha Day,
Jo and Stella
Just as it should be. Very happy for all of you!
Bless you all. Thank you for your big, big hearts and for welcoming Anya into your home. We love you, pals. And happy early birthday, Mom Sue!
Sweet new baby girl. What a wonderful present. Her life is going to get so much better.
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