Isis sent RaRa off to his silver harness a while back and now Nuknuk (YoYoMa's special goofball buddy) and TimberLove send Isis over the Bridge. White Dog has grown an Army of white and nearly white.
In honor of a life well lived, White Dog declared a celebration tonight...sardines for all in honor of our friend. It is HER family's celebratory tradition. After, we went out and watched the stars to see the newest star that is our beautiful friend's window.
Somehow the sardines and star gazing made us feel closer to the family Isis left behind in Wyoming...and all of those in our blogging family all over the world. May we all wrap ourselves in memories and gratitude tonight. And wonder, like White Dog is, just how time flies by so quickly.
Eskie hugs and kisses to all...
We've just been able to read your bloggie without too many tears, thank you so much, we have no words.
Nuk & Family
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