White Dog pretended to be asleep until she heard the van zoom off, taking Steve to work. Then she gathered the White Dog Army around her.
No one even asked the reason. EVERY pup knew tomorrow is Steve's birthday and they were ready to get the planning seriously underway. Steve has the day off and the WDA plans to not waste a single minute.
WD had already given thought to the celebration feast but was thwarted by an email yesterday telling us that a crucial ingredient specially ordered just for the meal, would be delayed and would not arrive until Friday. "Dog poop!" she exclaimed! "Now we have to put together an entirely new menu." I reminded her that it would allow us to have TWO special meals, but she reminded me that our switch had to be done based on ingredients at hand since grocery shopping had already been done...and the need to go again would alert Steve.
There was LOTS of nosing open cupboards and standing with heads in the refrigerators. Zsofia was the only one tall enough to look at options in the chest freezer since Trixie still has limited mobility and can only supervise.
YoYoMa and Opal worked on the music track. Stormer and Sachi wrote out a schedule of activities for the day. Nilla and Bella and Pearl made decorations, including new snooter art. Benson worked with WD and me to wrap gifts.
By the end of the day, well before Steve's return home the White Dog Army was ready for tomorrow's Big Day. Zsofia had to pounce on her brother, Sachi, in a wrestling move to keep him from blurting out the plan when Steve walked in. "Zip it!" she hissed and luckily, for once, his eyes opened wide and he nodded that he "got it." He has only needed reminding three times tonight.
White Dog has come up with an alternative feast that will be every bit as tempting and satisfying as the original plan...AND we will have another chance to celebrate over the weekend. My girl is a resourceful planner...plus she knows EVERYONE loves lamb chops.
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