White Dog
exchanged places with Bella and came into the office. She had been lying in the
kitchen with Trixie, where Bella now quietly rested. The White Dog Army has
been doing that, sort of keeping constant company with our Big Beautiful Girl
who is in the final stages of her life journey.
“I heard dad
talking with Trixie early this morning,” WD told me. “She knows it is time but
she is afraid to leave what she loves and trusts. She does not want to give up.”
Steve shared with me, tears in his eyes, his conversation…and his promise to
hold her tightly as we helped her move to a place of no disease or old age or
failing body.
White Dog
wanted to know if they were doing the right thing by WANTING her to go now. “I
told her I knew it was time and that she was not giving up. That it is very
hard to trust what comes next is better and to cross over. But that it is. We reminded
her of her loved ones waiting to greet her and promised that she would never be
forgotten by those of us here. She knows but I think she loves us all too much
to fly.”
talking with Steve, I called the vet this morning and made arrangements for her
to come tomorrow if necessary to offer help. Trixie’s body is quickly shutting
down; she is in the twilight between worlds. It is time.
I keep
typing that phrase, “It is time,” but it makes me uneasy. My big beautiful girl
is not going to get better; the c monster has made sure of that. She is transitioning to her next journey beyond
Still it
nags at me.
Tomorrow is
Trixie’s Gotcha Day with the White Dog Army. It will be one year of her tricks
and antics and frustrations and joy. The
timing seems SO wrong but necessary.
White Dog
stood to look into my face. She licked my cheek which suddenly was wet with
tears. “Momma, let’s look at this differently. Tomorrow is a day that marks
something wonderful and special that happened to Trixie…she came to live with
us. Maybe tomorrow may again be a new beginning that marks her conquest over
disease and old age…an eternal kind of Gotcha Day.”
I hugged The
Little White Dog of My Heart with the wise soul but thought to myself. “And
maybe Trixie will in her usual determined way make the decision to take things
into her own paws before then.”
Blessings and purrs to you all.....take heart in knowing that no matter that your time with her was short, it was LOVING and KIND and WONDERFUL
I am so sorry. But I purr and pray for peace and goodness to envelop you all. Thank you for loving Trixie so much, and for giving her a lifetime of love in the short time she has been with you. <3
We all send love an gentle wooooos,
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