White Dog put her nose close to the cup and peered inside. "Wow! Clear through," she exclaimed. "Glad dad wasn't holding the treat in his hand."
Every night after Benson receives his subq fluid treatment, he and the room full of supervisors receive treats. Ben actually gets his meds hidden in chicken and the others get a training treat...those little pencil eraser sized treats in exotic flavors like rabbit, salmon, duck.
Stormer can be, let us just say "overly enthusiastic," when it comes to treats. Coupled with only having one eye and pretty poor depth perception, CA Stormer's lack of snooter acuity cause him to lunge and attack the general area that is most likely the treat. His gusto is admirable but can be painful if you are not aware and protected.
It took some training, but both momma and dad have learned Stormer gets treats either in a cup, set in front of him on the floor, or in his dinner bowl. The old boy's teeth are sharp and his jaws a visegrip.
Tonight he caught the edge of the cup. He could smell the treats so he knew he had the right target. Steve could not get him to let go and try again to hit the morsels inside. CA held on as Steve twisted and begged him to "Drop It!"
Finally, he relaxed enough that Steve was able to unhook his teeth from the plastic.
"Come on. Gently this time. Let's try again."
dang - at least that wasn't dad's fingers
Whoa. We, too are glad it wasn't Dad Steve's fingers!
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