White Dog stood firmly in defiance mode. "Who do they think they are that they can come into MY kingdom and judge us," she growled. "Just another attempt by The Man to control us!" "Whoa, Baby Girl," I said. I attempted to pick her up but she scuttled backward. "Really, momma! It is an intrusion."
"OK, Little One, take a breath. You are whipping the Army to a froth for no reason. And you sound like the dialog of a 1960's movie."
This morning was the annual inspection for our multiple dog permit with the City's Animal Welfare. It is necessary if you desire to have more than a four dog family. The Animal Welfare Officer comes to the house, checks on the dogs and the home and makes sure all is well; you then pay your licensing fee and it is done.
Over the years we have developed a relationship with Officer M, who respects us and knows that ours is a suitable loving environment. Her inspection takes about 10 minutes and we usually chat as she writes up the license; it is a cooperative encounter.
Officer M arrived. Sachi, the nipper, went in the bathtub despite the lawlady's big boots. She always laughs since she has a fierce Yorkie and a protective terrier and totally understands his guarding habits. When she sat down, Zsofia decided to use the "kill her with kindness" approach and jumped into her lap, stuck her face against the Officer's and began to smother her in kisses. Reminded of her manners, Zso looked at Steve as if to say, "Don't stop me, I have her under my spell."
White Dog stood in the center of the room in full Queenly posture daring the woman to challenge her authority. All except WD followed when Steve led her to look at the yard.
"White Dog, please understand she is doing her job and that it is an important one. Would you want twenty dogs to be housed in a tiny apartment? Or jammed in stacked crates with no access to fresh water? How about if there was filth or food crawling with bugs? Officer M wants to make sure that families can provide a safe, wholesome, supportive and loving environment for their furchildren. I, for one, am glad there is someone out there who is watching out for their best interests."
WD considered my point and when the humans returned to the living room, she sat in front of Officer M and extended a paw.
"As always, you have everything in order and a wonderful family of furries," she said. "I wish all were like you. If you ever need anything, you have my card."
And with that, we are permitted for another year.
1 comment:
good heaven White Dog.... MOL Good job Zso - butter up the officer. Honestly, we are glad there are good people out there doing the right thing but not making it harder than it should be.
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