
August 30, 2017

White Dog put her paw on Opal's head. "Shhhh, sister! Don't wake the sleeping beauty." She was referring to Pearl who had exhausted herself at the Watching Window barking for a solid two hours at the city workers set up right outside the front window with barricades, ladders, loud talking, and a generator. They were fussing with something underground so they additionally were popping in and out of view as they descended into the manhole.

She had help from others in the White Dog Army for a while but none had her stamina or her determination to make those intruders leave.

Pearl was asleep and did not get the satisfaction of seeing the workers close up the street, pack up and drive off.

1 comment:

TimberLove said...

Guard doggin' is certainly hard work, hopefully some sustenance was forthcoming after the nap. Play bows,
