
September 14, 2017

White Dog did not have to rat out her sister. Only Zsofia is tall enough to gently remove the brown envelope from the middle of the coffee table without disturbing anything on the edges (and since cleanup is LONG overdue, believe me there are lots of things to potentially fall).

In the middle of the room lay the little wooden sheep ornament wrapped round and round with hand spun "wool"...it had been savaged. The little black sheep baby was MIA.

I looked at my Darkest White Dog, wanting to be mad but only seeing her curiosity and momentary lapse of control. In fact, I had to look twice because this is the Itty Bitty Baby Girl who revealed herself for just an instant.
Yes, I am mad that my adorable little sheep are ruined and missing. And yes, the little wild child demon will probably always smolder deep in our baby's soul. And yes, too, she can charm the heck out of her momma.

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