
December 14, 2017

White Dog called Zsofia front and center. Zso looked a bit concerned until WD handed her a box. "This is a special gift from our friends in Atlanta," WD told her. "They think you might enjoy a little wear-it attitude and it meant so much to them to send it. You see it belonged to their precious baby who crossed over the Bridge. Just don't let take the tough stuff too far."

Zsofia sniffed the box all over. Subtly White Dog moved over to our music selection and cued in a song

Zso tore into the box and Steve held it up for her to see. "Help me put it on," she excitedly begged and then insisted he open the closet door so she could see herself in the mirror.

She dashed to the front door. "I guess we could go on a quick walk to show off," he told her after looking for my nod. She pranced out and all of the others climbed into the window chairs to watch her saunter down the drive.

When they returned Zso and Steve were talking about motorcycles with sidecars. "Umm," I called them back to reality. "It is a fun look but I wouldn't be planning on roaring down the highway anytime soon...NOT even if Santa is VERY generous."

She wore her vest through dinner and one the pre bedtime walk. I insisted that it come off and hang on the edge of her sleeping crate...we compromised...and she slept with it as a pillow.