
February 10, 2018

White Dog was as impressed as I was. "What an achievement," she told him and to me, "that was a LOT of effort. He is going to take a VERY long nap."

Stormer had a rough night. old men have those sometimes. You know, can't get settled...gas-y...achey all over...nothing is comfortable. When Stormer has a bad night it means Steve has a bad night because there are the endless trips outside and the repositioning and the cuddling conversations. And when BOTH Steve and Stormer have such nights, momma is awake with them. He FINALLY fitfully dozed for three hours before the day started.

Today seemed destined for a continuation of the night. Stormer cried instead of napping after breakfast. He did not want to go out. He did not want to settle with the Army on his blankets in the living room. He did not want to go back to the bedroom. He did not want water. His calming medications seemed ineffective.

Steve had to head out to build the fence to keep runaway Jeep safely at home. "Where shall I set him (Stormer) up," he asked. "I don't know, he seems so unhappy with everything. How about in the bedroom doorway looking down the hall so he can see me working. Maybe that will help. And maybe the meds will kick in and he will relax."

He didn't and voiced his complaints until I ran out of options. "Sweet Boy, I do not know what else I can do for you. You can see. You have water right next to you. You have been pottied and are warm. Everyone is being very kind and quiet out of respect to you. Please just rest." And I went back to my desk.

White Dog touched my leg a bit later and nodded down the hall. Stormer, who no longer can stand on his own or walk was swimming down the bare floor. His face was wrinkled in total concentration as he moved forward a little then rested, then moved forward again. I moved to push my chair back and go to him but White Dog stopped me.

"Let him do this. It is important sometimes to remember you still have enough independence do on your own."

Stormer "swam" up to the office doorway and looked at me, grinning. "Great job, Brave Boy!" On hearing those words he rocked over to his side and closed his eye. "Bravo!" WD whispered. "You STILL have it, brother!"


meowmeowmans said...

We're sorry Stormer had such a tough night and morning. But he's obviously still happy and we KNOW he's so loved there with the WDA. :)

Sonya Barnard said...

Oh Stormer 😘❤️