
February 5, 2019

White Dog greeted Steve this evening, "sshin-nyen kwhy-ler" She was, in Mandarin, phonetically wishing dad a Happy Chinese New Year. In honor of the beginning of the year of the pig, we had earlier decided to share a meal of fried rice for dinner.

When Steve got home all that was left was to stir-fry the asparagus, peapods, carrots, peas, water chestnuts, mushrooms, and celery that the Army had helped chop and ready. Mix in the rice waiting in the refrigerator. Snip leftover turkey into the wok and make the sauce. While things were cooking we listened to our favorite cellist, Yo Yo Ma.

The White Dog Army was thrilled that, despite his allergy, Steve added scrambled egg to the rice (after reserving a "safe" portion for himself). Tiny almond cookies and tea completed the meal. It was a meal that not a single White Dog lifted a head from until each bowl was licked clean of every molecule of goodness.

White Dog wagged her approval and said, "Zhù nǐ xīn de yī nián kuàilè xìngfú. I wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!"

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year, WDA friends!