
March 27, 2019

White Dog said, "It is warm in the house, momma. It is time."

She led Steve to the bedroom to remove the draft protecting quilt that hung across the windows. They opened the window. WD took a deep breath and asked that the dual fans be locked into the space. "We don't need to turn it on if it is not needed but just in case."

The shower curtain was pulled away from the bathroom window and it, too, was thrown open to the fresh air.

They moved to the sun porch whose windows are covered in plastic for the cold season. "It is not cold any more," she said as one window was uncovered. Steve advised we wait until after March winds ended their redeposit of dust everywhere in a few weeks. She stood in the space and then rested on the concrete floor. "OK, dad, it is comfy out here like this."
The extra air moving through the house with doors standing open, windows providing cross ventilation and the reversal of ceiling fan rotation made for a lovely Spring environment. The White Dog Army was appreciative and happy.

Zsofia came in from the deck in the yard. "This is the best time of year," she said then looked over her shoulder at the sound of Roman reverse sneezing, "except for the pollens."

"Enjoy it while we can," Bella reminded. "Soon dad will need to hook up the swamp cooler so we have cooling breezes despite summer's heat." "Let's hope we have a FEW weeks of this gentleness," WD responded.

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