White Dog came in first thing to check on my health. "Guess your prediction of it being a 12-hour flu was overly positive," she gently teased as she quietly watched my movements and responses to Steve's "What's for breakfast question." He volunteered to serve the WDA Coffee Club the elixir I usually share but whose thought left me queasy this morning.
"No point discussing a Fiesta for Summer Solstice," White Dog said. "Or at least not one any of us would enjoy. Looks like being with sickies and lying in bed is going to be the best you will muster. Don't worry, The White Dog Army will try to add something special to our nursing care." Bailey plopped on my oxygen hose and Tiz shoved his muzzle against my neck and drooled. Opal wildly made a stuffy squeaker scream.
"The way it feels right now, Little White Dog of My Heart, you can all plan on an easy day and just leave me to sleep and moan...but keep the path to the bathroom clear." Bella nuzzled my leg. "Seriously, Tiny Dancer, I am not fit company and have little energy for effort."
Steve, too. I sent him to work this afternoon. "Go in and meet with the team. You watched me all morning. It just has to run its course. Despite the rumor, misery, at least THIS misery, does NOT love company." Finally I convinced him but he would only to go in as long as the team met.
"You know what that means," Zsofia told Bailey. "He will rush home early and then will try to think of any possible thing that will entice momma to eat. So while we won't have a Fiesta, we will get to share everything dad carries in but momma just can't consider."
"Like?" "Like chicken soup, like toast and eggs, like a hamburger, like mashed potatoes, like grilled cheese, like a croissant, or pie, or rice pudding...all on the hope SOMETHING will grab her interest." "Wow!" "Yes, momma will taste a couple of things but if it is like she has been all day, she will eat a few selected bites, MAYBE save a bit...and we will all share for dinner."
One thin slice of toast, a bite for hamburger meat, and a forkful of cherry pie. We saved the bagel and rice puddling as options for breakfast Steve divided up my "I don't think sos" among the WDA and plated his grllled chicken burger." My premeal prayer was "I hope none of you get this."
We sure hope the Mom feels better super soon.
We're so sorry you're not feeling well, Mom Sue. Sending love, purrs and prayers for a speedy recovery.
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