
July 14, 2019

White Dog and the White Dog Army consider this the most festive day of the month...any month..Making the Dog Food Day. Once a month we devote a weekend to shopping for and preparing our pack's meals for the next thirty days. Needless to say, there is NEVER a shortage of volunteers to supervise writing the grocery list to labeling the packed containers before putting them away.

This month is a combination of spinach, carrots, green beans, black beans, pumpkin, applesauce, blueberries, and oatmeal with cooked eggs and mackerel as proteins. Cooking for eight for an entire month is a project that begins early in the day when eggs and oatmeal are cooked; extras of these are made to become Sunday's breakfast topped with a quick scraping of grated parmesan.

All of the ingredients are quick chopped and layered in a galvanized tub just for this purpose. Layers allow Steve, when he processes the meals, to dig straight down and guarantee each batch will contain some of each ingredient.

He food processes the foods and packs multiple batches into freezer containers that contain a week's amount of White Dog Army breakfasts and dinners.

The team agrees the "casserole" is best the very first day eaten as samples as Steve works...but there is a counter-argument that the very best is the last storage unit that has melded flavors and which signals the process is about to begin again.

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