
August 15, 2019

White Dog took advantage of an anniversary soiree at Steve's office to gather the White Dog Army and work on the birthday card. Everything else was ready but she still was not satisfied with the words expressed. "There are so many things we all want to say, momma," she said, "but we don't want just a list of stuff dad does. It is more than that but yet he is crucial in keeping things going and meeting the needs to help us thrive.

"How do you list picking up dog poop next to just letting us rest with our head in his lap even though he has to go to the bathroom? Or his getting up from sleep in the middle of the night to help you?

And onions. He makes pizza with onions because he likes them BUT he caramelizes yours...and leaves an entire section free of onions so the WDA can share bites.

It is big things like walks on nights when his gout is throbbing. And getting up early after a sleepless night because he knows we need time to play in the yard. And spending his new gym shoe budget because my back is spasming and I need to see Dr. Julia.

But it is just an importantly the little things. Taking the time to gentle clean the dinner dribble from Tizenegy's mane where the bib did not do its job. Or sitting with Roman pressed against his leg during a thunderstorm. It is stopping as he walks past you to massage the shoulder muscle you mentioned was feeling tight. Or breaking Bella's cookie into smaller pieces for her.

And Dad does all of these things while going to work everyday and juggling those demands; yes, he is lucky to be able to work from home but he still has to do the work and make the calls and go to the meetings. We are grateful because we like the idea of a roof over our heads and food in the refrigerator.

How do we even address that it takes someone very special to decide to donate a chunk of their life, a BIG chunk, on making a difference in the world? Paws To People is his effort, sweat, and constant attention and he has helped better our understanding of lyme disease, end of life decisions, and now auto immune diseases like Yo had. He is helping to save lives.

White Dog looked up into my eyes. "HOW are we ever going to tell Dad that all of these things and even more are the Dad we know and love and wish the happiest of birthdays? Can you use you magic with words, momma? Can you make Dad understand that he is the most amazing and loved being EVER...by all of us who have ever been in the WDA? Can you make our words touch his heart.?"

I wrapped my arms around the Little White Dog of My Heart and reached out my other hand to pet the heads surrounding me.

"I think you already have done a perfect job, my loves."


Random Felines said...

yep - that was perfect

Happy Birthday Steve

TimberLove said...

Happy birthday woooooos to Steve!! Play bows,
