
September 24, 2019

White Dog smiled at the memory. "She walked in so calm and unflustered by all of us; it was like she knew us all and was just coming home."

And yes, it WAS just like Bailey had been a White Dog for ages when she casually strolled into the yard, greeted her brothers and sisters, licked Steve's face and bound through the dog door to find me and smudge my glasses. This day two years ago was a lovefest.
We had not even completed the paperwork before Bailey kissed her rescue foster, left memories of being a breeder dog behind, and joined the White Dog Army officially.
Our Blue-Eyed Wonder is always calm; she is our peacekeeper not rattled and smart enough to use her size to quietly move between testy siblings to interrupt potential conflict. She is my protector, always close at hand and aware of where I am...and going.
Zsofia loves having a sister big enough to Sibe wrestle; a sister who shares her "Sibe-ness." One who has taught the Darkest White Dog she is not the mini Eskie she long thought she was but a girl able to counter surf and get into the step to open garbage can.  They are loving partners in crime. 
Today is Bailey's Second Gotcha Day. As is the tradition White Dog has allowed our girl to choose tonight's dinner celebration; she was stopped after the sixth course. But we WILL have bits of shredded duck, cauliflower (she LOVES all veggies), chicken rice with brussels sprouts, turkey hot dogs, strawberries, and cranberry orange muffins. White Dog commented, "We will ALL be ready for a sound post-dinner nap after that!" But not before Bailey gets to open a special gift from her siblings...a brand new duck stuffie with three squeakers (Opal already covets it).
Happy Gotcha Day, Sweet Bailey, you are a blessing and joy. Thank you for your elegant and kind heart; your quiet dignity that you are not afraid set aside for a moment of goofiness; your peacekeeping ways...and for being momma's dream girl. May you share our lives for a VERY long time and celebrate many many Gotcha Celebrations.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

This is such a sweet post. Happy Gotcha Day, dear Bailey! We love you, good girl!