
November 21, 2019

White Dog strolled past me at 10:30 mumbling about the unfairness of the weather for those who needed to go out. She came quickly back inside and paused in front of me long enough to shake the droplets off of her coat.

Tizenegy flat out refused. "It is cold. It is wet. My joints ache." He left a puddle for Steve to discover and went back to the warmth of his bed.

The others spent the day standing half in and half out of the dog door, protected overhead by the flap, waiting for an opportune moment to dash out and hurry back in...
...except Zsofia who heard Steve's announcement that it was making a feeble effort to snow bowled over Bella in her enthusiastic run for the yard. "Come ON!" she howled to her sister, Bailey. "It IS snow." Bai sighed and walked to look out of the window. "It IS raining with maybe six snowflakes, I am going to take a warm DRY nap."

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