
December 23, 2019

White Dog announced, "The holiday season has officially begun. Beth arrived in town this morning and tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Dad is home with us now until after the New Year starts. Get lots of naps in today; the rest of the week will be jumping!"

"oh my gosh!" Bella exclaimed. "Do you think it is too late for me to write to Santa and let him know that I have been a very good girl?"

"Why not just take a selfie to he can see for himself," Tizenegy suggested. "In fact, I will take one of you and you can take one of me. Once Santa sees our good, sincere, faces he will get it and pressies will come pouring in."
"Momma," Bella went in search of me. "Will you add the pictures of Tiz and me to the blog so Santa can see them? And could you mention that we are very very very good White Dogs?"

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