
December 25, 2019

And an avalanche of good fortune...Blessings and bounty enough for all to share, always.

Be the Spirit that makes this day sacred and magical. Do these five things today and add your touch to the goodness and light:
1. Express gratitude.
2. Reach out.
3. Feel hope. 
4. Tell someone you love them.
5. Commit a random act of kindness.

BE Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays with love from all of us.
Sue, Steve, Siku Marie, Bella, Opal, Pearl, Zsofia, Bailey, Tizenegy and Roman


Brian's Home Blog said...

Beautiful sweet friends, those should be an every day deal. Merry Christmas from all of us!!!

meowmeowmans said...

What a beautiful post, sweet friends. It would be great if people did these things every day, wouldn't it?

Happy Holidays to you, sweet friends. Sending you love, peace, and joy, today and always! XO