
January 10, 2020

White Dog laughed, "Is it live or is it Memorex?" she said approving the late Chrsitmas gift from her to me. "Little White Dog of My Heart do you even know what Memorex refers to?" I smiled. "This is beautiful image of My Girl what won't squirm with impatience if I fall asleep squeezing it. Thank you so very much!"
White Dog looked at the photo. "Extra credit points to anyone who correctly guesses who is trying to photo bomb this touching moment with his or her snooter."


meowmeowmans said...

We don't know who that bomber is, but this photo sure is fun. :)

Mimi Lenox said...

Your peace globe has been placed in the Official Gallery at blog4peace.com

Thank you for blogging for peace 2019 and all the years before!