
January 25, 2020

White Dog looked at the human dinners Steve was plating and scoffed. "Chicken parmesan and broccolinni in pasta? Don't you know it is the Chinese New Year? We should be having dumplings and stirfry."

Steve calmly looked at her. "Noodles are a Chinese invention. Will it make you feel better if we include something suited to the Year of the Rat?" White Dog wasn't sure if this was a trick question but quickly thought it through and responded, "Yes, how about cheese. Rats love cheese. Especially cheese CAKE." The crowd roared their agreement.

新年快樂… xīn nián kuài lè
The White Dog Army wishes all a new year filled with stability and good fortune. 

According to the China Institute, the rat is a symbol of fertility and abundance. 
Additionally, each sign is associated with one of five elements — and this year’s is metal. So to get specific, 2020 is also the Year of the Metal Rat. Metal symbolizes stability and longevity. May it be so.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Lunar New Year, sweet WDA pals!