
April 1, 2020

White Dog bristled as Bella happily told her story. Our darkest white dogs were about to get recalibrated by the Queen.
"Bella," I asked her. "What is that on your head?" She smiled proudly and explained. 
"It was so neat this morning Zsofia and Bailey invited me out to play in the yard. When we went out they told me I had been chosen to be a special Fairy Queen on this April 1st Spring Day. I was so honored and excited. Then They told me I needed a crown to show I was Queen and said the best tiara for a Spring Fairy Queen would be of the earth to represent our connection to life and growing things. So I closed my eyes and they led me all around. Finally Bailey said 'Here, this spot is perfect' and Zso told me to rub my head against the ground to be blessed by the Earth. They said I could wear the crown ALL day."

I called for Steve to bring a basin of warm soapy water. "Sweetest Girl, they pulled a prank on you. This is April Fool's Day and the crown you are wearing is poop. Let me clean you up." 

I made the girls come in and watch as I gently toweled Bella dry and said, "A Spring Fairy Queen deserves special treats and a honey kiss for luck...good luck." "Thanks, sisters," Bella said, "this is a very nice honor you gave me. I love the extra attention and prizes."

WD made eye contact with Zso and Bai and they followed her out to the living room looking as though they already knew THEY would not be getting rewards.

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