
May 22, 2020

White Dog came rushing up and hopped on my lap. She put her face right in front of mine as Steve caught up with her. "Did you see the GREAT photo dad took of the new pillows?" she asked shifting to keep me from looking around her.
The "Momma's Chair" and WDA pillows were a gift from Andy, Sally and their mom.

"Nice shot," I said and dodged quickly to see past the two of them over to Roman who was madly dragging his face across the sofa. He was leaving clumps and streaks in his wake.

"What the heck do you have hanging on you?" I questioned. Everyone froze; all looked guilty.

"What?" Roman lifted his head to reply. He looked like some kind of creature from the Black Lagoon. His muzzle was dripping with ooze and chunks of grass and leaves clogged shut many of the mask's openings. He was dirty from muzzle to forehead to neck  and chest and paws. "Come over here. Now!"

Steve and White Dog inched toward the door. Roman stood and shook his head hard which sent splatters and divots all over the room. "Here. Now. Everyone else. FREEZE!"

Roman crept over and I began pulling wet organic stuff from his face. "I was out watering the back and he was helping," Steve started. "I am trying to get the trees in the back to grow taller because of the yeller in the second floor apartment behind us. Roman never has done anything like this before."

"Yes, I would have noticed."

"Next thing I knew he was digging in the muck and was in up to his shoulders." Steve continued as I wrestled with Roman to let me clear his mouth area. Roman struggled away and rubbed the side of his face against the window chair...leaving a gross smear on the chair cover. He shook again.

"In the crate, Buddy." I told him. "Let's let it dry a bit and we can get it to come off easier; drink some water to clear your throat." To Steve: "Take all the covers off and get them in the washer before the others decide to join in the body painting fun. Then vacuum the clots and when it dries we are going to need to shampoo the entire rug. It is everywhere."

Tiz made a noise that sounded like he was about to complain dinner would be late. I gave the momma look. "Before ANY one eats, you all better help dad find the mud spatters and clean off the walls and artwork and anywhere else it landed. THEN dinner."

White Dog tried to stop Steve before he attempted a "bright side" comment but failed. "At least," he said, "there seems to be some new growth. See."

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